Started my day at 7am, to get on top of things and prepare a few Google Ads copy variation for my Ads meeting coming up soon. I see a lot has changed since I last ran my Google AdWords campaigns, now we have three headlines and two long descriptions. Moving up, I see!

Yesterday I learned that whenever your sales or conversion funnel is not working, it’s either the hook, the story or the offer. One or more of these are not compelling, suited for your audience or attractive enough for your target customers. That’s what Russell Brunson is saying in his Traffic Secrets [] book.

Which does make sense. You’re scrolling your never-ending timeline on your favorite social media time-consuming app once or several times a day.

Some ads catch your attention, some don’t.

For those who do, if they’re attractive enough for you to tap on them, if the story you’re reading isn’t compelling, they lost you. And if they didn’t, you finally get to the “offer”.

Which, again, if it’s not making you dream of having that already, they’ve lost you.

Now, in our scenario, they is you. Or me, to be more precise.

How do I make my funnel perfect for my target audience?

I guess I just have to experiment until I get it… just right.